baby countdown!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

12 weeks!!!

Woot Woot! 12 weeks!!!
I'm actually kind of 12.5 weeks now. Time is flying!!! It's crazy to think that after my next dr.s visit the one after I may be finding out the gender of the baby! Granted, it's still 2 months away, I will have gone to the 2 weddings that were on my "What if I'm pregnant" mind when i was TTC. And they're finally here, and I'm actually pregnant for them. I can't wait to buy a snug dress to show off my bump. Last week was amazing, I really loved all the nice comments people left me on It made it feel more real. I'm going to post some pics on there, and feel bad, i have some infertile friends on there . . . but i can't go around feeling bad about hurting people's feelings my whole pregnancy, i'm not going to hide my kid from them or not talk about them . . . torn.

And hey, to all you mom's that say you didn't show until month 5 or 6 months, guess what, you are WRONG!!! Haha, j/k everyone's body is different. I really wanted to show early, maybe my body was warning my that I'd show early, I'm 5' 2.5" tall - I'm showing. In some clothes it looks like chubby fat, in tight shirts it looks more round and bump like. And its more prominent at the end of the day. I'm sure people that don't know me would think i was chunky . . . but its new and its there, and I've only gained 1 pound! Which I'm really surprised about - with not being able to work out as much, and eating a little bit of carb food, i thought the weight would add on fast. I think pregnant women have super fast metabolism's or maybe their bodies are working really hard to grow a baby, anyhow, working out is 5x's as hard for me, I'm hungry a lot, and all i want are carbs. Mac'n'cheese, pancakes, fried chicken. But i'm not craving sweets and i'm glad about that.

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