baby countdown!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ok, so I thought I was going to be telling my boss and the "HR" lady on Wednesday (tomorrow) that I'm pregnant. But my coworker informed me that she overheard that my boss was leaving to go on vacation for a week and a half RIGHT NOW! He wasn't supposed to leave until Friday. So I grabbed the HR lady, Patty, and said, I need to talk with you and Jeff.

We went into Jeff's office and closed the door and said I needed to talk to them about something. Jeff's first reaction was, "you're not quitting are you?" He was serious. Hahaha! I said, no, I'm pregnant and will be 12 weeks tomorrow! I firmly told them that I will be coming back after maternity leave and that I’m not quitting and that I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills without this job. Jeff asked if it’s a girl or boy and if I’ll name it Patty or Jeff, what a kidder!

Patty asked more sensible questions like morning sickness stuff. I mentioned that I was being as professional as I could since I wasn’t acting like a crazy biotch at work and am almost done with the first trimester, and that I will continue to try to not act crazy. I don’t think they realized that 12 weeks meant that I’d been pregnant for 3 months and that bad symptoms are usually gone by this point . . . or they thought morning sickness lasted longer . . . I told Jeff that I’d been putting my feet on the chair b/c my back hurts and he said he didn’t care.

Jeff thought I’d only take 8 weeks of leave but I reminded him that in the handbook it says I can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Patty confirmed. And then Jeff mentioned the idea of me bringing the Mac to my house and working from home, for a few weeks! I tried to get him to be more specific – like being on leave for 8 weeks and then 4 weeks of working from home, but he said he’d have to work it out with upper bosses on Thursday.

I’m so excited!!! I was so nervous! What a relief! I'm going to make cupcakes for everyone else tomorrow with a note saying something like . . . "Please get fat with me over the next 6 months, I'm pregnant." I don't want it to hurt anyone's feelings . . . but cupcakes make everything better!

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