baby countdown!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pokey Pokey

So it begins . . . the huge sore boobs. I'm on CD 25 and the ladies are sore. Don't get your hopes up, it means nothing!!! I've had sore boobs the past 3 cycles. It's been fun poking them and walking to make sure they still hurt . . . this time i will probably pop an ibuprofen. It's exciting to feel something womanly . . . but i'm over having sore boobs with no real reason.

I should get my blood results today. I'm secretly hoping that the nurse will call me and say "good news! you're pregnant!" but she's not going to. A) that would be too easy B) i don't think my egg implanted on monday . . .

I've noticed that my LP is a little short - 11 - 12 days. But i guess thats on the normal short end. I've been taking 800mg of Vitex for the past 2 months. I don't know if its working or not. I have noticed (tmi) lots of EWCM for about 5 days around my O time. Let's just hope its my body getting back on track to regulating their own hormones.

One holistic/acupuncture doc i saw said that for every year on BCP it takes 1 month to get them out of your system. So i was on BCP's for about 8 years, and i'm on my 10th cycle. If his theory is correct then i should be clear of them. Damn you fertile women who get knocked up with your first try! i want to get on clomid.

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