baby countdown!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6 Weeks!

I'm 6 weeks today! My baby is the size of a lentil bean!!! I'm starting to feel more nausea and queeziness. Lucky Hubby has had this week off work and has been making my breakfast and packing my lunch. When he goes back to work on Monday i hope i don't start throwing up in the morning.
One of my friends had her going away dinner last night - we went to a sushi place and i devoured my fried shrimp roll and eel roll. They accidentally put an extra avocado roll on my plate and i was very thankful for that since i was really hungry (dinner was at 8pm). MMMmmm... I'm glad to be able to eat some sort of sushi. Today me and Hubby are having a cheat day and I've been craving a double cheeseburger from Wendy's. I wouldnt say my cravings are big just like normal ones but maybe a touch more vivid. i don't know!

I'm excited to be going to Chincoteague next weekend for the 4th of July! I hope its not too hot or buggy. Planning is very helpful, it makes the days go by faster. I love how my pregnancy weeks start on Wednesdays, that makes the weeks go by so much quicker - i have wed. and frid. to look forward to, the weekends go by fast, and then mond. and tues. drag on.

Monday, June 22, 2009

queesy nauesea yuck

Positive outlook - I'm glad that pregnancy symptoms are showing . . . I feel sick. last friday/saturday i felt queesy, not great, not good, not horrible. Similar to not knowing if you were really really hungry nausea or nervous giddy stomach feelings. This morning i got my first wave of nausea looking in the fridge figuring out what i'd eat for lunch. I got the watery saliva, the achey shoulders, and the "do i run to the bathroom?" so i shut the fridge door and walked to the bathroom to do my hair for work. I felt like i had a hangover. I still feel funny and lethargic. And i'm being paranoid about smells. I don't feel like working at all.

I got to announce my pregnancy to my family on Sunday. It was sooooooo good! I have 3 older sisters and 1 younger brother (i'm the youngest girl). My brother is in Iraq for his second time, boooo. One of my sisters was in Georgia, one sis lives here and the other one came down from Northern VA for fathers day. So, we all go over to my oldest sisters house for father's day fun, and i brought my card that i made for my dad. We're hanging out and i encourage my nieces and nephew to get on the ball and finish up their cards for their dad and my dad. Well, low and behold my brother calls from Iraq to wish my dad a happy father's day. So i scramble to get the cards together and say "hey dad! why don't you read the cards out loud to Jacob on the phone!" and then i made my mom come stand by the phone and everyone else gather around. My dad picks up my card:and for some reason my inside photo didnt save . . . anyhow, it was a card "from the baby" telling my parents how much me and Hubby needed them to be healthy and heard how good of grandparents they are, and how excited it was to meet them in 8 months it was signed grandbaby #4. It wasnt until the last line that they realized i was pregnant! It was great! Everyone was excited and happy and i even cried a little. My mom was pretty happy and said "my baby girls going to have a baby!" and when i went home she called me mama. It was so cute and nice. I'm so glad i got to tell them! I apologized to my sister for having to lie to her about how my first fertility appointment went! We called my sister in Georgia and re-enacted the card reading and she cried on the phone too! it was perfect!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hurry up!

Just like with TTC you are waiting each day to either ovulate or your temp to rise or get AF. Well, when you get KU you are waiting and maybe waiting harder every day to get to the next important week. I wish I could have found out at week 6 and not 4.5 . . . week 6 would bring me so much closer to week 8... safer zones.

My little sesame seed baby is growing into the shape of a tadpole right now! Tadpoles look an awful lot like sperm . . . weird. Full circle. So if i have any symptoms they'd be:
  • very thirsty
  • diareeha
  • slight cramps
Other than that, nothing! I wonder if my gas is a pregnancy symptom, and my slight nausea . . . but I hesitate to say I feel symptoms and it not be real pregnancy symptoms.

Hubby changed the cat litter last night!!!! I'm sooooo excited about him doing that for the next 9 months. And I'm proud of him for doing it and not making one complaining peep about it to me. I offered to do with gloves on it until our first visit but he said he'd rather be safe than sorry! (I brought the cats into the relationship, he loves them but does not like them at times).

I keep hearing about women on WebMD having miscarriages at 8 and 9 weeks. It scares me. When we first started TTC I had a feeling we'd either get KU right away, or it would take a long time. And I have a feeling that my little sesame tadpole is going to make it to 9 months. I hate having to wonder if it will go smooth and hate holding back from getting too excited about being KU. I don't want to feel like a big dummy if my seseame seed doesn't make it. And it makes me wonder if I'm really going to have to wait to week 12 to tell friends... When i tell my friends I'll also have to tell coworkers since they're all on We still havent decided when we're going to tell family.

I'm excited to tell my dad and sisters and brother, my mom has already said that my sisters 3 kids are enough grandchildren for her. Um, hello, mom? You had 5 kids . . . there's going to be more grandkids. She got mad at my sister when she had her 3rd one. Ugh!!! Debbie downer!!! They didnt know that me and Hubby have been trying for the past 11 months. And my parents aren't the traditional parents that help with buying baby stuff and they don't get involved with planning weddings or showers. Hubby's parents will be sooooo excited, I can't wait to see their reaction. They were asking us before we were married at the 3 year mark to have kids. I hope they help us by some of the bigger baby stuff . . . not planning on it though. They better not think that they'll be having the kid stay overnight with them . . . the live 30-40 mins. away and have 6 cats and a dog and their house isnt the cleanest . . .I've already told Hubby that the only people in the hospital room will be me and him . . .

Monday, June 15, 2009

so far . . .

so good . . . it's been 4 days since we found out I was pregnant. I still haven't seen Hubby yet because he's been on a fishing trip. But I'll see him today when I get home from work. I set up a cheezy little display on the kitchen counter for him to be greeted with when he comes in. I had bought a cute crocheted baby blanket months ago and set my Pregnancy Week by Week book on it with, along with 2 vintage Mom and Dad mugs that had been hidden in my closet for the past 9 months, waiting for this day, a baby outfit i bought that says "mommy and daddy loves me" - grammer error, no, because i embroidered the words "and daddy" on it, and a pregnancy stick that says "pregnant." I'll get a pic later . . .

I don't have any symptoms that I can confirm . . . It's probably too soon to really have symptoms. My brain wants to tell me that I'm hungry all the time (but it's just me wanting to pig out), i may be feeling a little nauseous, but not enough to really know . . . and i've had a canker sore in my mouth for the past 8 days or so . . . I've been really thirsty and kind of have a weird taste in my mouth. So far so good . . . except for the sadness or guilt even for the ladies i know who have been trying to get pregnant for longer than me. I feel sad that i got my lucky day and they haven't. But i also feel really happy, like a huge weight has been lifted off me, i can be me again ... I just wish TTC was not the way it was. It sucks, and I'm really sorry.

Friday, June 12, 2009

And go sperm went . . .

Wow. wow. wow. Is this real??? Is it? To answer David from "David Goes to Dentist," (youtube) yes David, this is real life. Wow. wow! wow!!!! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm writing these words. I'm. Pregnant. We're. Pregnant. With the man that I love, I'm going to have his baby. This is unreal. So unreal.
I decided to take a test this morning only to quiet my thoughts all day that would be wondering if i was pregnant or not. Hubby had already left for his fishing trip. So i peed and tested it . . . and . and . . . . and. 2 lines. 2 lines. 2 lines showed up. holy freaking cow. I called Hubby (without thinking that he was in a car with his good friend) and tried to start telling him "i took a test" but i started crying. and he couldn't hear me and of course thought something was wrong. so he jumped out of the car (i think they were at a gas station, i hope). And i started to tell him again, "i took a pregnancy test and I'm pregnant!!!" and started bawling. It was the best cry in the WORLD. I think he was in shock and surprised and happy. We didn't talk long but have been texting back and forth. He's so cute.

I really didn't think i was pregnant. My boobs hurt earlier in the week - i had to wear 2 sports bra's when i ran the Stratford Hills 10k. But they felt almost back to normal by Tuesday. Last night i noticed that my nipples felt cold or i guess tingly. I was under a blanket and thought it odd that they were acting "cold." I also noticed that when i bent over they hurt just a little bit, but not enough to be considered sore. My back has been achy the past 2 days, but I've also been helping in the warehouse, bending over and lifting boxes. I feel nauseous this morning, I'm sure its just in my head, we didn't sleep well last night, the power went out and then our neighbors dog started barking for an hour! at 3 am!!! And sometimes i feel nauseous when i don't get enough sleep. And i noticed that I had creamy CM after i exercised . . . but i think that was normal for me too.

I'm worried that we won't be in the clear for another 2 months or so . . . Hubby's sperm was still at 0% normal morph. This may not be the final thing . . . it may not last. But what a wonderful feeling. I'm going to hold onto it until i have to let it go.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

6.5.09 S/A Results

So I called my OBGYN and they were able to give me some of the results. Hello? why didn't they call me? I love her a lot, but it seemed like she was hesitant to give me the information . . . I asked her if she would email or fax or if i could pick up a copy of the results, and she said we should just send the to my RE . . . NO LADY!!! GIVE ME MY RESULTS. But i kept asking her for the numbers:
volume ?
color ?
liquefaction time ?
viscosity ?
concentration 55 (was 40 million) motile, 81 (was 75) million total motility 68% (was 53%)
Forward progression:
50% (was 60%) moderate,
? (was 20%) sluggish,
? (was 20%) non-progressive,
20% (was 0% rapid)
quality of progression ? (was 3+)
round cells ? (was <1 style="font-weight: bold;">morphology 0% (was 0%)

So I'm kind of excited - the concentration and motility went up as did the rapid progression! I don't know if these are minor things that would change on any test day to day. I remember reading that Rapid Progression was the ability for the sperm to swim in a straight line . . . so if Hubby's tails were damaged now 20% aren't!!! Morphology was something I prepared myself to not stress about . . . . it had only been 32 days since he quit doing dip and drinking as much and started taking vitamins when this test was taken.

Still no sign of AF. . .

Stratford Hills 10K

I forgot to post about the race Hubby and I ran on Sunday (6/7/09). It was fun! It took me maybe 2 miles to get out of the "i don't feel like running" mode. It was 3.1 miles one way, and then the same 3.1 miles back, I actually really liked that because it was easier to pace myself and push myself after knowing the course. There was a huge hill near the finish line followed by some smaller hills, and I was able to run the whole time and not walk!!! I was very proud of myself. I got my best time for a 10k so far - 61 minutes! My goal is to finish one under 60 minutes . . . it'll happen next time. Hubby ran it in 57 minutes.


I'm feeling down today

  • Waiting to get Hubby's S/A test results today (we got the last results about 7 days later)
  • Waiting for AF to show, feeling kind of crampy and sad. My sore boobs stopped hurting yesterday . . . she's on her way. I hate feeling like every second i need to go the bathroom to make sure I'm not bleeding all over my work pants.
  • I told HR about my doctors appoint. next wednesday and i have to take a 1/2 day of PTO for it! Sucks!!!
  • Read on some forums that IUI with injectables can cost $2000-$3000. Ugh! I thought IUI's were like $300, I guess thats with insurance.
  • Hubby is going on a much needed fishing trip this weekend for 4 days and 3 nights, This will be the first time in maybe 3 years that I've been home alone!
Reaons I shouldnt be feeling bummed:
  • Me and Hubby are healthy and happy (minus the TTC aspect)
  • I still have a job!
  • I have a yummy lunch today
  • the S/A results could be better, then I know the RE will tell us we can do it naturally . .
I'll keep you guys posted . . .

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blah and Waiting

If you g.oogle "Blah" the first image you see will be this:

If you g.oogle "waiting" the first image you see will be this:

I have a few things in common with these photos:
  1. I feel those things now
  2. I hope I don't look as doughy as the subjects
  3. Why do blah and weird both have to be doughy?
Hubby has his second S/A test tomorrow. It'll show 32 days free of chewing tobacco, spandex and mod-high volumes of alcohol. I am not expecting to see a big change in his morphology but I'm secretly hoping for it to be a little better! He's been pumped full of vitamins and has been toxinish free and had a does of Reiki powers. I called my OBGYN and she said we could get the S/A results sent to her and she'd tell us over the results over the phone . . . for FREE! Yeah, so f-you Hubby's stupid dumb DR. I beat the system! FREE! If the results show no improvements then I think I will try to get Hubby to get some acupuncture done before my next O.

I have about 7 days until my AF comes . . . I don't even want to say out loud if I think I could be KU or not. I'm betting on not. My boobs are starting to get sore, normally they get sore 2 days earlier than now . . . and that would be my only symptom, and its definitely and AF symptom in my case.

I have my RE visit on the 17th, my my my how time goes by fast. It seemed so far away when I made the appointment 2 months ago. And oh how I thought I'd have to cancel b/c I'd get pregnant on my own.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

8 x 8 = All about me

The rules of 8:

1. Mention person who tagged me: Clare

2. Complete list of 8s

3. Tag 8 people


*eventually getting pregnant

*hubby's second S/A on friday

*being able to FD after friday!

*going home and showering in non-salty water

*getting out of my work clothes

*july 4th vacation

*seeing Hubby later today


*woke up at my own time

*casually ate breakfast while looking at the ocean

*laid on the beach for 3 hours

*came in when i felt like it to eat lunch

*floated in a pool for 4 hours

*drove back home with a friend

*heard that 3 co-workers got laid-off

*saw hubby!


*Get pregnant

*not have to work

*eat anything and never get fat

*be happy for ever

*be on a permanent vacation

*have my hair be long with a snap

*make all my friends live in one town

*make my family live in one town



*Real World/Road Rules Challenge

*The Hills

*Ultimate Fighter

*Project Runway

*Jon and Kate + 8

*The Soup











*Thailand again


*The Carribean







*Richmond VA

*Provo Utah









Clare (can i tag you back? haha)


I just got back to work from my 4 day vacation at Avon beach in North Carolina. I go every year for 1/2 a week with some friends. The weather was perfect, I got nice and tan and I even went running in the mornings!

Then on the way home from work i got a text from Brook (co-worker) that said "i got laid off." I feel bad for her and then i don't. I know this is really selfish, but she was driving me up the wall and was being so annoying!!! I guess my company is having money issues, and after the meeting we had this morning the rest of us are "safe." I'm sure my job is safe, I'm the only one that does what I do here, but its scary really being affected by the economy . . .
I'm relieved that i don't have to hear Brook talk about trying to get pregnant anymore, or hear her negative comments about everyone constantly.