baby countdown!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blah and Waiting

If you g.oogle "Blah" the first image you see will be this:

If you g.oogle "waiting" the first image you see will be this:

I have a few things in common with these photos:
  1. I feel those things now
  2. I hope I don't look as doughy as the subjects
  3. Why do blah and weird both have to be doughy?
Hubby has his second S/A test tomorrow. It'll show 32 days free of chewing tobacco, spandex and mod-high volumes of alcohol. I am not expecting to see a big change in his morphology but I'm secretly hoping for it to be a little better! He's been pumped full of vitamins and has been toxinish free and had a does of Reiki powers. I called my OBGYN and she said we could get the S/A results sent to her and she'd tell us over the results over the phone . . . for FREE! Yeah, so f-you Hubby's stupid dumb DR. I beat the system! FREE! If the results show no improvements then I think I will try to get Hubby to get some acupuncture done before my next O.

I have about 7 days until my AF comes . . . I don't even want to say out loud if I think I could be KU or not. I'm betting on not. My boobs are starting to get sore, normally they get sore 2 days earlier than now . . . and that would be my only symptom, and its definitely and AF symptom in my case.

I have my RE visit on the 17th, my my my how time goes by fast. It seemed so far away when I made the appointment 2 months ago. And oh how I thought I'd have to cancel b/c I'd get pregnant on my own.


  1. Those images are too funny!!

    GL with the 2nd SA tomorrow! You probably already know this, but it does take about 72 days for new sperm to develop, so you may not see positive results from the lifestyle changes yet. Not to be a downer -- because you very well might -- but just so you're prepared :)

  2. I am feeling extremely blah...and also doughy...and those pictures cracked me up. so alike. so me.

    ...good luck with the SA.

  3. Yeah blah and waiting is definitely a key part of the IF journey. It sucks. I hope you get a good SA and things start looking less blah. But I do love the blah pic. Very cute.

  4. Just wanted to add. I caught the blah today. Very very blah. :(
