I've been reading about other ladies dealing with jealousy in the work place with finding out that their co-workers are pregnant. I've been prepping myself to deal with it myself - there are 2 other girls in my office who are actively trying to get pregnant. One I will call Steph, the other Brook.
Steph is 25 and used to be on D.epo Prov.era, takes about 5 smoke breaks a day, smokes weed everyday, drinks lots of caffeine and soda. Even though i don't agree at all with her unhealthy lifestyle, i feel bad that it has been taking her almost 1.5 years to get pregnant. She told me that her husband smokes weed everyday but his sperm count is normal (argh!). She also told me that she's had 2 miscarriages in the past couple months. We also have in common our dislike for Brook.
Brook is my closest co-worker in my small office. She can be so sweet and nice but also so insecure and annoying and show-offy. She loves flaunting her husbands money and if you wear something new she has to know where you bought it from. I hate feeling ashamed that I shop at vintage stores and thrift stores and feel like i have to come up with a random lie about where i got something if i got it used. Anyhow, Brook is 30 and has plans to get pregnant as soon as she got married (2 months ago). She tries to make it lunch room conversation about how she's off birth control pills now and can't participate in happy hour because she "might be pregnant." Ughh, shoot me! I've been trying for 11 months now and have no patients or desire to hear about the newbie trying to conceive. And the sad thing is she'll probably get pregnant right away. Or maybe not . . . she diets like crazy and was taking diet pills for a couple months before her wedding, not like she needed to, she's a size 2 or 4. People at work know that i've been trying for a baby for atleast 6 months, but no-one knows about my Hubby's sperm issues.
One of the warehouse employees (Ben) just announced that he's going to be a granddad, he's in his 50's or so. His daughter wanted to get pregnant as soon as they got married (2 months ago). Well guess what? Whoop-de-doo. Congrat-a-freaking-lations, congrats on getting knocked up. I hope she doesnt get gestational diabetes, seeing as that everyone including her in her family is very overweight. It was pretty hard huh, seeing as her husband has 3 kids in every pit stop he took when came to the US from the Dominican Republic. Wow, i wish he could be my husband NOT. He works 6 days a week 12 hour days at minimum wage at 2 different jobs to pay his kids child support, she works for w.almart. I have nothing against people working minimum wage jobs to make ends meet, but do why do they get to be so lucky when procreating? Have fun getting a divorce in a couple years.
Ben won't stop fucking talking about it either. He's one of those people that talks forever and even as you're inching your way out of the room he still keeps talking. He said his daughter got to listen to the heartbeat today, i dont know nor do i care how far along they are, but i feel like its still too early to announce her pregnancy. He was talking about it as he walked down the hallway to no-one. I'm happy for him that he's excited and its sweet seeing him be happy, but not everyone wants to be forced to hear about it. Not me, not Steph, and not Beth the 42 year old who was told a year ago that she could never have her own child (she got married 2 years ago).
I can be as a annoyed as i want and deep down i know it'll happen for me and Hubby eventually and we'll be the best parents knowing that we waited until we were more established (a house, 2 cars, money to save) and knowing that we want it so bad and have had planty of time to think about it. I'm sure I'll just have to go through more fake smiles and queitly walking away from baby conversations in the meantime.